When Can You Use Eye Concentrate in Your Skincare Routine?

The delicate skin around the eyes is prone to dark circles, fine lines, and other issues that may make you appear tired. If you want your eyes to look brighter, make La Mer The Eye Concentrate part of your skincare routine. It is specially formulated to address skincare concerns in the under-eye area while hydrating and protecting the skin so it looks revived. 

You can choose when to use this essential eye care product in your routine–day, night, or both. Simply apply it in the morning and the evening for effective results. One thing you must remember is to use a gentle touch when applying eye concentrate to avoid tugging on the thin skin. 

Add a drop to your fingertip, then lightly pat it in a semicircle motion around the eyes. Move from the inner corner under the eye to the outside corner, then towards the brow bone until the product is fully absorbed. Add this ritual to the moisturizing portion of your skincare. 

Luxury Eye Concentrate for Daily Eye Care

If you had a long night out or didn’t sleep well, it shows up in the eye area the next day. The best eye care products diminish bags and circles, so you have a fresh-looking face no matter how little sleep you’re getting. 

Eye concentrate from La Mer smooths out the delicate skin. It makes it appear rejuvenated, lifted, and firmer. It also hydrates the thinner under-eye skin, which helps reduce the appearance of fine lines. This hydration also supports the skin’s moisture barrier, so the eye area is protected from environmental damage from sun or pollution. For even more protection, you can apply sunscreen! 

Another reason to use eye concentrate from La Mer in your skincare routine each morning is that it will make your concealer or foundation glide on easily, less likely to settle into fine lines for a crepey look.

The Best Eye Concentrate For Your Bedtime Routine

Nighttime is a suitable time for a moisturizing eye care routine. It offers maximum hydration while you sleep. To get started,  cleanse the eye area before applying your cream. You’re probably using an effective cleanser to rid your impurities, but if you wear eye makeup during the day, add a makeup remover to remove any mascara or primer.

The skin under your eyes is naturally dry, and if you already have a dry skin type, it may be a problem. A gentle eye concentrate will help alleviate the dryness, or you can pair it with an oil to seal moisture. The face oil is like a barrier, so use the eye cream first. Then, dab a drop of oil in the area or apply a few drops all over your face. 

Eye concentrate for the Under-Eye Area

There are many eye concentrates on the market, but you’ll see the best results when you choose a luxury product like the La Mer The Eye Concentrate.  This eye care product just supports more youthful-looking skin.  The best luxury eye concentrates combine powerful ingredients like vitamins and botanicals with advanced skincare technology. 

They’re also free of irritants you should avoid using in the sensitive eye area. A high-quality eye care routine is a worthy investment that offers the best results. 

Top 5 Benefits of an Eye Care Routine

You should use an eye concentrate for the following effects: 

● Reduced appearance of dark spots, fine lines, and other concerns

● Enhanced radiance that reduces the look of puffiness and dark circles

● Skin that looks plump, smooth, and more firm

● Protection from stressors to prevent further damage

● Hydration that makes the eye area look revitalized

The bottom line

The skin around your eyes is the first place to show the effects of aging. Once these effects become evident, they are very tough to reverse. That’s why proper eye skin care is essential, as is the rest of the face. 

Making changes to your daily routine may take time to be consistent at first. However, later, you will be grateful you took preventive steps. For easy skincare for your eyes, try La Mer The Eye Concentrate to see how it revitalizes your eye area. Shop now at All Best Beauty!